Sum Like It Hot
In Health and Coefficiency,
Two theorems discuss
The slick and wicked symmetry
Of a palpitating plus.
Take away David Beckham, and what's the difference?
The square on the hypotenuse
Wears spats and does the rhumba:
And if his angle's not obtuse,
He rolls another number.
What is the root of bling?
Let x and xy conjugate:
They'll do it by degrees,
And in their prime, they'll demonstrate
Some soft isosceles.
What is the average wage of a Premiership Footballer, divided by the cost of a ticket?
The sexy parallelogram
Has a most uncommon factor:
He drinks a fraction of a dram
By using his protractor.
If style is well wicked, what is the price of a belly-button stud?
The paradox is super-cool:
Her Mobius strip's bizarre -
She sets aside the golden rule,
Whips off her algebra.
“The world record is 74.08 metres.” Discus.