the weekly

Cheques Away

Farewell, dear cheques. You go the way
Of Hun and Goth and Tartar
And shops shut on the seventh day
And fruit juice as a starter.

It's hard to work up into wrath
Your imminent demise,
And hard to make one's front lip froth
When whispering goodbyes.

Will I be (let's say) over-wrought, owed
Money by a stranger?
Will I miss scribbling down your sort-code?
Unlikely, and no danger.

I may miss your enigma, sure,
Your sudden strange arrival,
Or writing, miss my signature,
But argue your survival? –

That would be hard. My sympathies
To all your kith and kin,
But you've become a paper tease
Beside my chip and pin.

When you have travelled into Dark
Like Lymeswold, cold and lonely,
I'll miss, when I must make my mark
That curious use of ONLY.

Read the Independent article here

Read Bill's 'Bill Posters' blog by clicking here

Cheques Away
Cheques are to be phased out in 2018.
23 December 2009


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